What’s so special about Sunday morning?

It’s a beautiful sunrise this Sunday morning! I get to watch the deep orange hue of the sun lift and turn to warm yellow, from our lounge window.

How do we spend our Sunday mornings? Some of us sleep in, after an exhausting week. Some of us rise to breakfast in bed, served by our kids. (Seriously? I mean, has anyone actually had that happen?) Some of us head out to sport. And some of us head to church.

But what is church? A building? A traditional service? A contemporary service? A home group? Well, for me, church is this. Right here. Right now. You and me. And, I believe, God, with us.

Not the building? Not the service? These things can help, sure: beautiful cathedrals, evoking the majesty and beauty of God. Services leading us, where others have gone. But what is the point of it all? Why have church?

Church exists to build connection: connection with God, and connection with each other.

So you don’t believe in God? Welcome! If you’re not into the connection with God bit, I’m still keen to connect with you. Why do you not believe in God? I want to read all about it. I want to build a cathedral into which you can walk, and explore: in which you can freely wrestle (safely) with those who do believe.

So you don’t know whether or not God exists? Welcome! We have hours of potential conversation ahead, my friend.

So you’re already going to church? Awesome: keep it up! So do I. The beauty of the internet is that this is available 24/7.

The sun has risen now: people are waking up. A neighbour of mine is gathering up garden leaves outside.

How will you spend your Sunday? Let me know! And see you next week! 🙂