Welcome to the Kiwichurch Blog! It’s great to have you here!
I’m Michelle, and I’ve created this space for kiwi Christians and those who are not Christian to be free to connect and explore the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.
I love New Zealand, and I love Jesus: that’s why I want to offer a chance for us all to explore what the idea of following Christ means in our homeland – to grasp Jesus, as kiwis.
For those of us who struggle with the relevance of church on Sundays: this blog is for you. For those of us who can’t understand why God would ever wish for his son to die on a cross: this blog is for you.
For those of us who experience Christianity, and church, as though it is all in an undecipherable code, this blog is for you.
For those of us who walk day by day in a personal trust in God, feeling no need to attend a church service, this blog is also for you.
The Bible is here: for some it is written on the heart, either hidden in privacy or publically displayed; for others, it is sitting on a bookshelf, often unopened, often unshared, as if locked away from heart and mind, even written in a different language.
I say, let the translation begin.