Teen Church


Any living creature must love. Love can be presented in many different ways. There is loving your partner, loving your boyfriend, loving your annoying little sister, loving your friends, and even loving your dog! Love is one of the most important parts of life. God created us to love, so it is important to love the things, people, and places he made for us. But most of all, it is important to love God.

Teen Church – The Bible


The Bible

What is The Bible? The Bible is the book of God. There are two parts to The Bible. The first is called the old testament, and the second is the new testament. In The Bible, you can find stories before Jesus came to earth, and after. ( The old is before and new testament is after.) So how can we trust The Bible? Well, in The Bible, there are different writers. Some of the writers had directly seen Jesus, or had even been one of his close followers, and other writers had written what others had said to them. So many people have witnessed the same thing and written about it. When you read The Bible, all of the stories link together and have many things in common. The Bible is the most important book in the world, now, then, and forever.