Who is to Blame?

When tragedy strikes, who is to blame?
If a car crash snatches a loved one,
or corruption swallows up good intent?

Surely it is God? God, who is in control of all things?
God, who takes away the Light?

But what if it isn’t God? What if it is us?
What if God is innocent, but has allowed us to be?
What if it is we who have darkened the Light?
What if it is we who are to blame?

Do we cut ourselves off, in our misery?
Do we cast ourselves away?
Do we clothe ourselves with a greater darkness?
Do we hide from the Light?

The Light came to illuminate the darkness.
The Light came for us.

When tragedy strikes, who is to blame?
God. Surely it is God.
It can’t be us, it can’t be, because that would hurt too deeply.

We will darken the Light, instead: we will darken it.
We will smother it with ourselves.
Lest God come, and affront our hearts;
Lest he make himself truly known to us, in his Light.
Lest he uncover us, in our hiding, and change us with the full intensity of his Light.

God is a surgeon of the heart.
All that remains is to know who we truly are.

Step into the Light

What does it take to overcome corruption?
Honesty. Trust.
But, more than anything, it takes courage:
Courage, to step out of the darkness;
Courage, to step into the light.

Light hurts the eyes, when our eyes have adjusted to the dark,
But our eyes can adjust back again to the light.

The greatest courage is found when we face ourselves:
When we set our eyes on God, beyond ourselves, and emerge out of hiding into a new way of life.

Have courage. Have faith. Be loved.

Step into the Light.


What is the immense worth and beauty of Light?
Light shines in the Darkness.
Light undoes the Darkness.
A single beam of Light overcomes the threat of utter gloom.

If we move into the Light, the Light can evoke our vision into brilliant clarity.
A violent husband can see himself, and quickly change his ways.
An unfaithful wife can see herself, and change her mind.
A bullying brother can take his sister’s hand.
A gossiping sister can channel her words into goodness.

An absent father can turn back to empower his children.
A dominating mother can step back to allow her children’s voices to rise.

A nation can talk with another nation,
And both nations, together, can choose to disarm.

The Light is shining in the Darkness, but will the Darkness understand it?
Light calls for action; Light calls for change.
Light calls us to be more than we are: to become better than we already are.
Light seeks to illuminate the Darkness, and to utterly undo it.

We, humanity, stand at a cross-roads:
We stand with one foot in light, and one foot in darkness.
The Light, eventually, must have its way.
One way or other, the Light must undo the Darkness.

We ourselves can choose the Light.
We ourselves can seek out the greater Way.
We can make the Light our Ally.
We can enter into the higher Way.

The World lives perched between light and darkness,
But the Light is waiting.

Lift up the Light, for all to see.
Let the Light shine in the Darkness.
There is a higher Way; there is a better Way.

God is the Light of the World.