Masculinity and Femininity

Here’s a meaty topic: masculinity and femininity – what’s it all about? What do kiwis say? What does Christianity say?

What makes a man a man, and a woman a woman? I’d say in some ways, in some situations, both masculinity and femininity have been quite seriously beaten up.

What do you say? What does it mean to be a man or a woman?

Abuse and Christianity

Here’s a parable, but, warning: there are themes of abuse.

A father beats a son.

That son then grows up. What will he do?

If he doesn’t overcome his own assault, he will pass on his father’s abuse.

Now, consider this: the father is Christian.

Maybe a priest. Maybe a biological father. Maybe an adopted father. Maybe a spiritual father.

Maybe someone preaching authoritatively down the street.

Who will the son beat?