The Price of Love

What is love?
An easy walk in the park?
A warm fuzzy feeling on a cold winter’s night?
Bathing in the afterglow of moments of absolute bliss?

What of the other side of love?
What of pain? What of loss?
What of the price, when it all hits the fan?
What of the cost, when a choice is demanded?

Is love really the easy path?
Is God’s Love seriously easy?
Jesus, hanging on a cross, tortured and bleeding, to save us.
Pouring himself out, to carry our wrongs: easy? No.

There are many kinds of loves, just as there are many kinds of people.
There are many walks in life.
But Love beckons us beyond our human love.
Love calls us beyond our natural selves.

What is Love?
An easy walk? A warm feeling? An afterglow of bliss?
Love is cost: Love is pain.
Love is commitment, even to death.

Love is choice.

The greatest Love laughs at the greatest price.
Death beckons, and Love smiles.
For what is death, next to Love? Only a temporary thing.
Love passes through death to forge a new way of life.