Why God, and not simply humanity alone?
Because it would seem that humanity is not alone.
But why would I say such a thing?
Need? Upbringing? …
Not really.
In my own independent thought, I perceive truth:
there is a microscopic world inside my own body, with billions of cells doing their own coded co-ordinated thing, keeping me alive largely through no doing of my own;
there is a mysterious Universe out there, vast, and ordered, and beautiful, and mostly utterly beyond our reach.
Is humanity alone? No: I don’t think so.
There is a reality greater than us: yet, from time to time, we are given a glimpse into that greater reality, like a glimpse into another dimension.
Jesus gave us a massive glimpse.
Power, beyond us. Knowledge, beyond us.
Character, beyond us.
Humanity is capable of great good and profound evil,
but there is a kind of leadership beyond humanity:
a kind of authority that transcends our kinds of authority.
Why not simply humanity alone?
Because we are not alone, and neither should we be.
We can reduce things to dust, but we can’t form ourselves from it.
We can save life, but we can’t create life from no life.
We can run away from death for a time, but we can’t resurrect ourselves into new life.
We are humanity.
Let God be God.