The Christian Gospel from a kiwi perspective…


Okay, guys – I’m pretty excited about this: I’ve decided to walk through the New Testament gospels, the accounts of Jesus, and translate into our terms. Use this post for your comments about the page linked below.

I’ll share my own Christian perspective of Jesus: you are free to do with it what you will. I’m not sharing out of the scholarly authority of a theologian, (though I do have three theology papers with Carey Baptist College 🙂 ), or the designated authority of an ordained priest, nor am I trying to displace either one: rather, I am seeking to translate what I have already gained from these.

If you want to study the Bible, go for it, and tell us what you find! I’d recommend a good Study Bible from any Christian bookstore, and maybe a concordance: I found these resources really valuable when I was searching for God.

For my part, I ‘grew up’ in my Christian journey with the NIV Study Bible – so if I use quotes, it will be from this. But my style here will be to evoke: for me, Christianity, and Christ, are at their heart deeply spiritual.

Join me! Share your thoughts along the way. Let’s do this together, as we do life together.

I’ll be writing on this page:

If you want me to keep you posted on updates to this Blog, please sign up using the box at the top and to the right. I’d love to see you! If you want to have a two way conversation about this topic, try using this Facebook post below. (This blog doesn’t notify about responses, while Facebook does.) If you want to have a conversation about another topic, let me know through the Facebook page. 🙂

Kiwichurch on Facebook

Pull up a chair, and a coffee/tea/hot chocolate (beer? 🙂 ), and let’s see what Jesus has to say.


His Eye is on the Sparrow

Okay, guys: I’ve fronted up and done it – my first audio recording. It’s all about song choice, right? I was timid, but then discovered a genre: Gospel. Kinda figures. right? 🙂 It’s a cappella, too (voice only), so if it’s a new one on you, it’s a new one on me too!
Hope you enjoy!


Masculinity and Femininity

Here’s a meaty topic: masculinity and femininity – what’s it all about? What do kiwis say? What does Christianity say?

What makes a man a man, and a woman a woman? I’d say in some ways, in some situations, both masculinity and femininity have been quite seriously beaten up.

What do you say? What does it mean to be a man or a woman?

What is humanity?

Sometimes we lift others up; sometimes we pull them down.
Sometimes we understand: sometimes we don’t see the limitations of our own understanding.
Sometimes we show kindness; sometimes we show self-defence.
Sometimes we assert; sometimes we block – and sometimes we just don’t give a toss.

There is a time to love, and a time to hate: but sometimes we hate all too easily.

What is humanity, but dust in the wind?
Sometimes we are but dust, blown in the wind:
Blown by the forces of our own vulnerabilities.
Yet what a profound chemisty takes place, when dust is raised by Light…
When the inanimate is infused with life.

There is a time to love…even a time to love our enemy.
There is a time to hate…even a time to hate our own weaknesses.
There is a time to fall…
And then there is a time to get back up again.

What is dust, but potential?
What is death, but a chance for a greater life?