Innocence: what is it, how did we lose it, and how do we get it back?
These questions are at the heart of Christianity.
What is Innocence? Purity. To be without fault: to shine light, without darkness – to offer goodness, without corruption.
How did we lose it? Well, I’m sure there are plenty of stories to tell there…
How do we get it back? That is the million dollar question.
What is the Christian answer? To offer our hearts to the heart surgeon, in order to be changed from within. Christ, the Light, when we lose our way.
In Christ there is Love; there is Light; there is Forgiveness; there is Empowerment, to forgive others.
Some may see weakness in trust in God, favouring self reliance, trust in self, but I say: there is a greater reality beyond self reliance – there are possibilities beyond trust in oneself.
It takes courage to hand our life to another, but sometimes courage is what it takes to break beyond our own limitations: to gain our life back again, stronger, truer, fuller, and with a purpose beyond ourselves.
I say, have courage.